Aug 8, 2020 | Down The Rabbit Hole
On this Episode… After our return with Episode 70 we bring a whole new episode with 2 very interesting topics that go from Coffee to Mars. In our first block we talked about the new NASA Perseverance Mars rover but specially about the Ingenuity helicopter. Over...
Jul 20, 2020 | Down The Rabbit Hole
Enter the Kibbles… Rabbit Hole Kibble is a new way for our podcast to deliver bites of information to take you Down the Rabbit Hole! The Kibbles will appear in between the publication of a full episodes. On this kibble… It’s well known that exercise can sharpen...
Jul 10, 2020 | Down The Rabbit Hole
What happened so far… We had a break, it was a long break. Our last episode was about Blockchain and was published in November 2018. During this break we had lot of work to do, we had time to think and rethink topics, and other things related to the show. We...
Apr 11, 2018 | Down The Rabbit Hole
Origins of Blockchain There’s an immense amount of buzz around blockchain and it’s most known offspring cryptocurrencies. Where did it all come from, what the hell is a Merkle Tree, and where is all this crypto-craziness heading anyway? To get to the genesis of...
Mar 14, 2018 | Down The Rabbit Hole
On this episode… Premonition: “A strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.” Do you agree with that definition? Could we actually predict the future? What’s the difference between premonition and prediction? Check out...
Mar 6, 2018 | Down The Rabbit Hole
On this episode… Evidence is pointing to the human race being infertile within 50 years In summer 2017 scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced the results of their research. Male sperm counts have fallen by almost 60 percent in 40 years. How was...
Jan 24, 2018 | Down The Rabbit Hole
On this episode… Right now, while you listen to this podcast, there is a hidden global war underway. The motivation for a lot of what is happening is money – no surprises there. But some of it is a deliberate, persistent, attempt to do harm. To critical...
Jan 9, 2018 | Down The Rabbit Hole
Today we are going to take a look at the origins of that most secret of societies – the Illuminati. Unfortunately the question of whether the Illuminati actually exists today is probably not possible to answer with any certainty. What can be said is that for one...
Dec 26, 2017 | Down The Rabbit Hole
Incredibly, people are starting to alter their own DNA with cheap, easy gene-editing technology. In a number of countries it’s not illegal and is completely unregulated, so what is biohacking and what are people trying to accomplish? We’ll try to find out mor...
Dec 20, 2017 | Down The Rabbit Hole
Episode 063 On this episode… These 5 ideas are going to change the 21st Century like no other. They may seem like science fiction, or a nightmare, but they may prove essential to our survival. Check them out and let us know your opinion regarding those ideas. News:...