What happened so far…
We had a break, it was a long break. Our last episode was about Blockchain and was published in November 2018.
During this break we had lot of work to do, we had time to think and rethink topics, and other things related to the show. We also have been going through the pandemic of Covid-19 just like the rest of the world which contributed to the delay in releasing new episodes.
It lasted a bit more than expected, but we are finally back! More content, a new format and definitely more trips Down the Rabbit Hole!.
From this episode our format will change, instead of addressing a topic per episode we will be discussing several topics that fall in very diverse categories such as “Future”, “Society”, “Out-there”, “Science”, “Space” and many more.
On this episode…
We start with a very interesting topic: Doomsday Clock nears apocalypse.
The Doomsday Clock indicates how close our planet is to complete annihilation, is now only 100 seconds away from midnight.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) said at the beginning of the year that the change was made due to nuclear proliferation, failure to tackle climate change and “cyber-based disinformation”.
On our second topic we talk about flowers and pollination, but not the typical way. If we have been failing in saving the bees to carry out this task, some scientists started to experiment using bubbles to do the pollination.The scientists at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology show that specially designed soap bubbles can deliver grains of pollen to flowering fruit trees. In a pear orchard, the bubbles were just as effective as hand-pollination.
Dr. Miyako came to this idea while playing soap bubbles with his son at a park and suddenly a bubble hit his son’s face, that was the eureka moment for him.

Finally in our last segment we discuss something that addresses a big problem in our world: Our current food system can feed only 3.4 billion people sustainably.
The Finnish company Solar Foods found a way to literally produce food out of thin air! With their process they can produce natural protein by using renewable electricity and air. Their product, Solein is a unique single-cell protein born from this equally extraordinary bioprocess. Its fully natural fermentation process is similar to the production of yeast, resulting in the purest and most sustainable protein in the world.
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